Privacy policy


This privacy policy sets out how Ryco Group Pty Ltd (“RYCO Group”) handles your personal information. 

Personal information is any information about you where your identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information.

RYCO Group's privacy policy is based on openness. Where we request information from you, we will generally state the purpose(s) for its use and to whom it may be disclosed.

Our website may contain links to third party websites.  We are not responsible for the privacy policies of any third party websites.  We recommend that you review the privacy policy of each website you visit.

Collection of Personal Information

The amount of personal information we collect about you depends on how you interact with us.  We will collect personal information from you if you:

  • Contact us through our website using an on-line form;
  • Make a product or service enquiry;
  • Order a product;
  • Make a product complaint or warranty enquiry;
  • Complete an application or enter into an agreement;
  • Receive a visit from one of our representatives;
  • Subscribe to one of our mailing lists;
  • Correspond with us, including by email;
  • Call our Customer Service line; or
  • Enter a promotion or competition.

The type of personal information you may provide to us includes your name, position description, address, email address, business type, telephone, age group, mobile phone number, facsimile number, credit card particulars and bank details.

Calls to and from our Customer Service line will be recorded unless you have asked us not to in response to our prompt. Personal information recorded during the call will be digitally recorded, for example name and contact details. Recordings are kept securely and confidentially and are usually held no more than 12 months unless required to be retained for investigations or legal reasons. 

By providing your personal information to RYCO Group in this way, including by completing on-line forms and email, you agree to the collection of that information in accordance with this privacy policy.

We collect personal information from you for a number of reasons, including to:

  • Sell and deliver our products and services to you;
  • Help you select the most appropriate products for your vehicle;
  • Respond to your questions or requests for information;
  • Manage warranty claims and provide after sales service;
  • Improve our service;
  • Assist us forecast the future demand for our products and services;
  • Send you direct marketing material by email or post;
  • Analyse our website usage;
  • Enhance the content of our website;
  • Keep a record of our dealings with each other; and
  • Comply with legal obligations.

If you do not provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with these services.

You can generally visit our website without telling us who you are or revealing other personal information.

Credit Reporting Information

RYCO Group also collects financial and trading information from customers in order to establish and manage business and customer relationships. This information is securely held for internal accounting and administration purposes associated with the provision of products and services (including the extension of commercial credit) to customers and in order to enhance our business relationship and level of service. 

Collection of commercial credit information is undertaken only with your consent. To complete an application to open an account or extend commercial credit we may ask you to provide information including your: ABN numbers, business name, business structure, trading history and commercial trade references.

RYCO Group may receive commercial credit information about you from a credit reporting body (such as Veda or Dun & Bradstreet), or trade referees nominated by you. RYCO Group may also disclose limited commercial information about you to third parties where you have nominated RYCO Group as a trade reference, solely to fulfil this purpose. Commercial credit information will only be used to assess your credit worthiness. It will not be used for the purposes of pre-screening of direct marketing by a credit provider, and will not be intentionally disclosed to entities outside Australia.

To the extent that the customer is an unincorporated entity, this is personal information covered by this policy. Information about corporate customers, which is about an identifiable person, is also personal information covered by this policy. RYCO Group does not have a practice of collecting or holding consumer credit information covered by the Credit Reporting Privacy Code.

Enquiries for access to or correction of commercial credit information or credit eligibility information, or complaints about the failure of RYCO Group to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or the Credit Reporting Privacy Code (if this binds RYCO Group), can be made as set out below under “Access and Correction” and “Queries and Complaints”.

Social Media

To customise your user experience on our website we may provide you with the opportunity to connect, access and/or interact with third-party social networking services, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube . If you connect to these third-party social networking services to participate in one of our promotional campaigns, you are authorising RYCO Group to access and use certain information from your social network profile. You can opt-out of authorising RYCO Group from collecting or accessing your information when you are not using the application and you can cancel this service at any time by deleting the application from your social network account.

Disclosure to Third Parties

RYCO Group recognises the trust you place in us when you give us your personal information and so will not give your personal information to third parties unless:

  • You have given us your consent to do so;
  • It is necessary for us to do so to fulfil the primary purpose(s) for which we collected your personal information;
  • You would reasonably expect us to disclose it for a related purpose; or
  • We are required to do so by law.

The third parties we will typically share your personal information with include companies in our own corporate group (including in New Zealand), your authorised representatives and service providers which we use to conduct our business, functions and activities. These organisations may be involved or conduct:

  • Mailing, shipping or courier operations;
  • Information technology services;
  • Legal, auditing, accountancy or other professional services;
  • Credit reporting services;
  • Promotions and competitions;
  • Repair, installation or maintenance services;
  • Insurance services;
  • Market research;
  • Billing and debt collecting functions;
  • Website usage analysis;

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is disclosed to such third parties in accordance with this privacy policy and on a confidential basis.

RYCO Group’s website provides customers with the option to enter their vehicle registration numbers to identify products suitable for their vehicle type. RYCO Group uses a third party for this purpose. Only vehicle attributes and identifiers are provided and no personal information is matched using the registration numbers.

Cross Border Disclosure

If we disclose personal information in countries outside Australia, we will only do so in compliance with all applicable Australian data protection and privacy laws and if we reasonably believe that the information will remain subject to principles for fair handling of the information which are substantially similar to the applicable Australian privacy laws.

Website data and cookies

When you visit our website, we collect your server address, domain name and information regarding the pages which you visit and links that you click on.  This information is used for statistical and website development purposes only.  

A cookie is a piece of information that our web server may transfer to your hard drive for record-keeping purposes. The cookie is stored on your computer, but does not identify you or give us any information about your computer. Cookies can facilitate your ongoing access to and use of our website. They allow us to track usage patterns and to compile data that can help us improve our content and target advertising. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept the cookie feature. But you should note that cookies may be necessary to provide you with features such as browser history, merchandise transactions or registered services.

Sensitive Information

We will only collect sensitive information from you relating to race, ethnic origin, membership of political bodies, religion or trade unions, sexual preferences or activities, criminal record, state of health and medical history with your consent and only use it for the purposes for which it is provided.  We do not typically collect such information.


The security of your personal information is of great importance to us, and we take reasonable steps to:

  • Keep your personal information secure in a combination of secure computer storage, hard copy files and other access-controlled records; and
  • Ensure your personal information is protected from misuse, interference, loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

We will endeavour to destroy or de-identify your personal information when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was provided, unless a legal exception applies.

Access and Correction

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information which we collect, use or disclose is relevant, accurate, complete and up-to-date. We appreciate you assisting us by letting us know if your personal information has changed.

You have a right of access to most personal information we hold about you and the right to correct or update your personal information.  This right is subject to certain exceptions allowed by law.  To request access, please contact our privacy officer, whose contact details are set out below. We will need to verify your identity before meeting your request, which we may require in writing, and we will process it in a reasonable time.

Queries and Complaints

If you have any queries relating to our privacy policy, would like more detail as to our privacy practices or believe that a breach of this privacy policy may have occurred, you may contact our privacy policy by email, post or telephone as follows:

The Privacy Officer
Ryco Group Pty Ltd 
PO Box 62
Sunshine, Victoria 3020
P: 03 9243 3333
E: [email protected]

If we become aware of any ongoing concerns or problems, we will take these issues seriously and work to address these concerns with you.  If, however, you are not satisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at 1300 363 992.

RYCO Group Pty Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amotiv Limited.


From time to time, RYCO Group's policies will be reviewed and may be revised.  We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time and notify you by posting an updated version here on our website.

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